Kop van Zuid
There are 6 ways to transport yourself from this spot.
New ways of transport
Kop Van Zuid is a home to cultural institutions. Why?
SCENARIO A: To make one company instead different company's.
SCENARIO B: If everyone drive in electric cars and use more public transports. Because of the climate reasonens.
SCENARIO C: Everyone has a scooter, also the shared scooters are not electric. So Dhaka is a good example of a polluted city.
SCENARIO D: technology it's getting beter and expensive and because of that it has effect on the climate change.
SCENARIO E: several plantes are linked together and creates one big unitity.You can travel with the scooters to different plantes.

No ownership
A lot of
Technological advancements
scooters stored in storage towers - controllable by app
autonomous scooters with drawing tablets on the wind shields - drawing/doing hw while driving on roads specially designed for scooters only
individual scooters reserved months ahead - long waiting list
electric shared rides
Shared rides scooters everywhere. Not always a ride alvaible
Everyone has there own vehicle. Many standing still un used. You always have a ride.
South en North Rotterdam are more connected
Mobile charging

educative guide through the city of rotterdam